Let's share this URL with your friends, access here in same time, push [connect] button. And you can talk freely.
Or, do you want to choose another channel? Try any URL on this site whatever you like;
<object id="SqueakOCXControl" width="380" height="60" classid="clsid:2BE9C39E-8386-4435-B337-FCDAD8EAB006" codebase="http://www.squeakland.org/installers/SqueakPluginInstaller.exe" class="squeakplugin"> <param name="src" value="http://wikiphone.net/WikiPhone-2006-07-17.pr"> <param name="update" value="29"> <param name="pluginspage" value="http://www.squeakland.org/detect.html"> <param name="update_url" value="http://www.squeakland.org/update/"> <param name="apiSupported" value="true"> <param name="wikiphone_url" value="http://languagegame.org:8002/Kyoto"> <embed type="application/x-squeak-source" align="center" width="380" height="60" src="http://wikiphone.net/WikiPhone-2006-07-17.pr" update="29" apiSupported="TRUE" pluginspage="http://www.squeakland.org/detect.html" update_url="http://www.squeakland.org/update/" wikiphone_url="http://languagegame.org:8002/Kyoto"> </embed> </object>
WikiPhone Server is a key module for this system. This is an open source software based on Squeak KomHttpServer. You can set up WikiPhone Server on your machine.
You can also easily embed WikiPhone Client in your Squeak program. WikiPhone Client is an independent small library and any other module is not required.
WikiPhone source code is available at http://www.squeaksource.com/WikiPhone.html.
Comparison to normal VoIP